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Mandy Hickson

Mandy Hickson

Former RAF Fighter Pilot

Martine Wright MBE

Martine Wright MBE

Paralympian and 7/7 London Bombing Survivor

Matthew Syed

Matthew Syed

Award-Winning Journalist and Best-Selling Author

Michelle Griffith-Robinson OLY

Michelle Griffith-Robinson OLY

Olympian, Lifestyle Coach and Mentor

Millie Bright

Millie Bright

England Lioness and Chelsea Defender

Monty Halls

Monty Halls

Explorer, Marine Biologist and Presenter

Ness Knight

Ness Knight

Record Breaking Female Explorer

Nigel Risner

Nigel Risner

Multi-Award Winning Motivational Speaker

Nigel Vardy aka Mr. Frostbite

Nigel Vardy aka Mr. Frostbite

Record Breaking Mountaineer

Ollie Phillips

Ollie Phillips

Former England Rugby Seven’s Captain

Phil Davies

Phil Davies

Director of Rugby at World Rugby

Rachel Daly

Rachel Daly

England Lioness and Aston Villa Footballer

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