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Hayley Barnard

Hayley Barnard

Diversity, Inclusion and Unconscious Bias Expert

Holly Tucker MBE

Holly Tucker MBE

Holly & Co and Not On The High Street Founder

Inga Beale DBE

Inga Beale DBE

Former Lloyds of London CEO

Inma Martinez

Inma Martinez

AI and Digital Visionary

Izzy Wheels – Ailbhe & Izzy Keane

Izzy Wheels – Ailbhe & Izzy Keane

Izzy Wheels Founders

Jenn Lim

Jenn Lim

Global Workplace Expert

Jennifer Vessels

Jennifer Vessels

AI and Change: Building Future-Ready Organisations

Jenny Campbell

Jenny Campbell

The Queen of Cash and Ex Dragons’ Den investor

Jo Fairley

Jo Fairley

Green & Black’s Co-Founder

Jo Malone CBE

Jo Malone CBE

Fragrance and Luxury Brand Founder

Josephine Reynolds

Josephine Reynolds

Britain’s First Female Firefighter

Kanya King CBE

Kanya King CBE

MOBO Founder and CEO

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