Our women in business speakers are experts in their field, and can offer your audience a wealth of knowledge on a range of topics. Book one of our women in business speakers today to add some extra insight to your next conference.

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Adah Parris

Adah Parris

Futurist, Innovator and Sustainable Growth Expert

Alessandra Bellini

Alessandra Bellini

Former Tesco Group Chief Customer Officer

Alex Depledge MBE

Alex Depledge MBE

Serial Tech Entrepreneur

Alex Mahon

Alex Mahon

Channel 4 CEO

Alex Polizzi

Alex Polizzi

The Hotel Inspector

Amy Cappellanti-Wolf

Amy Cappellanti-Wolf

Cohesity’s Chief Human Resources Officer

Andrea McLean

Andrea McLean

Author and Former ‘Loose Women’ Host

Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE

Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE

Innovation & Diversity in STEM

Ayo Sokale

Ayo Sokale

Engineer and Science Presenter

Belinda Parmar OBE

Belinda Parmar OBE

Empathy and Inclusion Expert

Candice Brathwaite

Candice Brathwaite

Best Selling Author and Advocate

Caprice Bourret

Caprice Bourret

Entrepreneur and Model

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