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Jamil Qureshi

Jamil Qureshi

Business and Sports Psychologist

Jenny Campbell

Jenny Campbell

The Queen of Cash and Ex Dragons’ Den investor

Jeremy Schwartz

Jeremy Schwartz

Former CEO of Pandora and The Body Shop

Jim Steele

Jim Steele

High Performance Speaker & Leadership Coach

Jo Fairley

Jo Fairley

Green & Black’s Co-Founder

Jo Malone CBE

Jo Malone CBE

Fragrance and Luxury Brand Founder

John Vincent MBE

John Vincent MBE

CEO and Co-Founder of LEON Restaurants

Kanya King CBE

Kanya King CBE

MOBO Founder and CEO

Karren Brady – Baroness Brady of Knightsbridge CBE

Karren Brady – Baroness Brady of Knightsbridge CBE

West Ham Vice Chair and star of The Apprentice

Lara Morgan

Lara Morgan

Pacific Direct Founder

Martin Brooks

Martin Brooks

Body Language Decoder Author

Matt Lumb

Matt Lumb

War Paint for Men CEO

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