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Elizabeth Linder

Elizabeth Linder

Facebook’s former Politics & Government Specialist for the EMEA

Henry Bonsu

Henry Bonsu

Journalist and Broadcaster

Jaspreet Kaur (Behind the Netra)

Jaspreet Kaur (Behind the Netra)

Award-Winning Spoken Word Artist

Jenn Lim

Jenn Lim

Global Workplace Expert

John Bird MBE – Baron Bird of Notting Hill

John Bird MBE – Baron Bird of Notting Hill

Big Issue Founder

K D Adamson

K D Adamson

Leading Female Futurist and Ecocentrist

Kate Ancketill

Kate Ancketill

Retail, Tech and Brand Futurist

Kurt Barling (Professor)

Kurt Barling (Professor)

Award-Winning Broadcast Journalist

Laura Bates

Laura Bates

Everyday Sexism Project Founder

Leila McKenzie-Delis

Leila McKenzie-Delis

Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging

Linda Papadopoulos (Dr)

Linda Papadopoulos (Dr)

Leading Psychologist

Lucy Beresford

Lucy Beresford

Psychotherapist, Broadcaster and Writer

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