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Lara Morgan

Lara Morgan

Pacific Direct Founder

Linda Plant

Linda Plant

Business Leader and Apprentice Interviewer

Lorraine Candy

Lorraine Candy

Former Editor-in-Chief of Sunday Times Style & ELLE

Mark Price (Lord Mark Price)

Mark Price (Lord Mark Price)

Former Waitrose and John Lewis Business Leader

Martin McCourt

Martin McCourt

Dyson former CEO

Mary Portas OBE

Mary Portas OBE

Retail Champion – The Queen of Shops

Matt Lumb

Matt Lumb

War Paint for Men CEO

Nick English

Nick English

Bremont Watches Co-Founder

Oliver Shah

Oliver Shah

Award-Winning Business Journalist

Paul Hargreaves

Paul Hargreaves

Cotswold Fayre CEO – Beyond B Corp

Philip Hesketh

Philip Hesketh

The Psychology of Persuasion – Buying and Selling Expert

René Carayol MBE

René Carayol MBE

World Renowned Executive Coach and Inspirational Leader

Richard Reed CBE

Richard Reed CBE

Innocent Drinks Co-Founder

Rob and Paul Forkan

Rob and Paul Forkan

Tsunami Survivors and Gandys Co-Founders

Rob Law MBE

Rob Law MBE

Trunki Entrepreneur

Ruby Wax OBE

Ruby Wax OBE

Mental Health Speaker and Author

Safia Minney MBE

Safia Minney MBE

Ethical Fashion Leader & People Tree Founder

Sahar Hashemi OBE

Sahar Hashemi OBE

Coffee Republic Co-Founder

Simon Woodroffe OBE

Simon Woodroffe OBE

YO! Sushi Founder

Sophie Cornish MBE

Sophie Cornish MBE

Co-Founder of

Stuart Hampson (Sir)

Stuart Hampson (Sir)

Former Chairman of The John Lewis Partnership

Stuart Rose – Baron Rose of Monewden

Stuart Rose – Baron Rose of Monewden

Ocado Chairman and Former M&S Chairman

Susannah Streeter

Susannah Streeter

Global Financial Commentator

Tara Button

Tara Button

Eco-Entrepreneur and Sustainability Champion

Tim Wade

Tim Wade

Customer Behaviour and Customer Experience Expert

Wayne Hemingway MBE

Wayne Hemingway MBE

Award Winning British Designer

William Higham

William Higham

Futurist and Consumer Trends Speaker

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