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Kate Richardson-Walsh OBE

Kate Richardson-Walsh OBE

Former Team GB Hockey Captain

Kelly Grainger

Kelly Grainger

Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Khadijah Mellah

Khadijah Mellah

History Making British Muslim Jockey

Kurt Barling (Professor)

Kurt Barling (Professor)

Award-Winning Broadcast Journalist

Leila McKenzie-Delis

Leila McKenzie-Delis

Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging

Lenny Henry CBE (Sir)

Lenny Henry CBE (Sir)

Leading Comedy Performer

Liz McConaghy

Liz McConaghy

Former Female RAF Chinook Crewmember

Maisie Summers-Newton MBE

Maisie Summers-Newton MBE

Paralympic Swimming Champion

Maria Witchell

Maria Witchell

Adventurer, Former Special Forces and Negotiator

Mark Foster

Mark Foster

Former World Champion Swimmer

Martine Wright MBE

Martine Wright MBE

Paralympian and 7/7 London Bombing Survivor

Matt Lindley

Matt Lindley

One of the RAF’s First Openly Gay Pilots

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