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Digby Jones

Digby Jones

Ex CBI Boss & UKTI Minister

Donna Fraser OBE

Donna Fraser OBE

Olympian & D&I Champion

Edwina Dunn OBE

Edwina Dunn OBE

Customer Data Science Pioneer

Floella Benjamin DBE (Baroness Benjamin of Beckenham)

Floella Benjamin DBE (Baroness Benjamin of Beckenham)

Broadcaster, Author and Politician

Frank Gardner OBE

Frank Gardner OBE

BBC Security Correspondent

Gareth Thomas CBE

Gareth Thomas CBE

Wales Rugby Legend and Diversity Champion

Hayley Barnard

Hayley Barnard

Diversity, Inclusion and Unconscious Bias Expert

Henry Bonsu

Henry Bonsu

Journalist and Broadcaster

Henry Rose Lee

Henry Rose Lee

Inter-Generational and DE&I Expert

Inga Beale DBE

Inga Beale DBE

Former Lloyds of London CEO

Inma Martinez

Inma Martinez

AI and Digital Visionary

Izzy Wheels – Ailbhe & Izzy Keane

Izzy Wheels – Ailbhe & Izzy Keane

Izzy Wheels Founders

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