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Max Hastings (Sir)

Max Hastings (Sir)

Journalist and Military Historian

Michael Buerk

Michael Buerk

Award-Winning Broadcaster

Michael Dobbs

Michael Dobbs

Creator of ‘House of Cards’

Michael Gove (Rt. Hon.)

Michael Gove (Rt. Hon.)

Editor of The Spectator and Former Secretary of State

Michael Portillo

Michael Portillo

Broadcaster and Former MP

Misha Glenny

Misha Glenny

Organised Crime and Cyber Security Expert

Nick Ferrari

Nick Ferrari

LBC Radio Presenter

Oona King – Baroness King of Bow

Oona King – Baroness King of Bow

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion VP at Snap Inc

Penny Mordaunt (Rt. Hon)

Penny Mordaunt (Rt. Hon)

Former Leader of the House of Commons

Peter Cardwell

Peter Cardwell

Political Editor and Former Special Advisor

Quentin Letts

Quentin Letts

Parliamentary Sketch-Writer

Robert Peston

Robert Peston

ITV Political Editor, Former BBC Economics Editor

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