World-Renowned Technologist and Futurist

For more info on Greg Williams, email us or speak with an agent on 01275 463222


  • Greg Williams acted as a moderator for our virtual event, and through the full process was a joy to work with. He has a clear understanding of what is happening in technology across a multitude of sectors and regions, and bringing his insight and expertise to our event greatly improved the quality and integrity of our commentary. Greg was a skillful moderator, with a great knack for including all panelists in the conversation equally, but also in a way that it felt seamless. I highly recommend working with Greg and I hope we get to work with him again in the future.
    Rackspace Technology
  • Just a bit of quick feedback on Greg after the success of last night. Please can you pass on our thanks to him – he was fantastic! His talk was brilliant, and the guests were really engaged. Greg was super professional and fantastic with the guests. Hope he enjoyed the evening too and we hope to work with him again in the future!
    Swinton Insurance
  • Great feedback on his speech and panel discussion – I hope Greg enjoyed it as much as we did! Will also enjoyed spending time with Greg; he said his talk was excellent and he engaged actively in the conference as they were walking around the exhibitors
  • Greg Williams was a fantastic guest for our DocuSign Presents event. He was well-prepared, professional, and collaborative. He's super personable and smart, and added a lot of value to the conversation. He is first-rate!
  • What you managed to pack into 20 minutes was incredible. A fast-paced look into the future, rich with colourful, real-life examples. I've had great feedback - it will for sure have made our audience stop and think.
  • Predictions are a dime a dozen. But Greg Williams’ are worth their weight in gold. A man who clearly has his finger on the pulse of the most transformative technology trends of our day, Greg not only helped our audience see the future, but inspired them to act as agents of change and shape it to their advantage.

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