Blind Traveller, Entrepreneur and Presenter

For more info on Amar Latif OBE, email us or speak with an agent on 01275 463222


  • Your words have crystallized the resolve felt and strengthened at this UN Convention, and your wonderful words, your poetry and your humour have challenged us to make the speakers podium accessible to everyone. Thank you for providing such an inspiring close to our proceedings.
    United Nations Convention, Addis Ababa
  • I wanted to thank you for speaking to us at Barclays Capital. It was great to meet you and we have had some really positive feedback from the attendees, all of whom found your talk incredibly motivating. As a result we have boosted our Disability Awareness Forum membership significantly and we will be able to build on this for future events.
    Equality & Diversity Director, Barclays Capital
  • Amar’s speech ‘Obstacles! I Can’t See Any Obstacles’ was a hugely inspiring keynote address, which was both motivational and uplifting. We have received extremely positive feedback from audience members, with a number being so touched by his personal story that they would be keen to see him come back to Goldman Sachs in the future so that he can share his story with a wider audience. Most pleasing is the fact that it has now inspired a number of individuals to become more actively involved in forwarding the disability agenda at Goldman Sachs.
    Global Diversity Manager, Goldman Sachs

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