Bremont Watches Co-Founder

For more info on Nick English, email us or speak with an agent on 01275 463222


  • Nick English has a great story to tell, the rise and rise of Bremont being no accident but the fruit of hard labour and creative thinking. Two of the most vital ingredients of Bremont’s success have been the deep interest in watch making and the fascinating hinterland that both Nick and his brother, Giles, bring to their business (both are keen pilots – how many companies that make pilot’s watches actually have a company plane?). Nick’s account of the inspiration behind Bremont and its birth and development is full of interest and he reveals a deep passion for his work. It’s an incredible story to tell and he delivers it with belief, wit and humour.
    James Gurney - Editor of QP Watch Magazine
  • A huge thank you for speaking at our conference. Our audience of family business owners were enthralled and inspired by your story, and by your determination to establish and grow a quintessentially British, luxury brand with your brother Giles. From the heartbreaking tale of how the business was inspired, to the insights into what it takes to make a luxury brand succeed during these testing times; your presentation covered it all. Feedback from our delegates was overwhelming with many people appreciative of your honesty, the insights you shared and gratitude for the advice you gave which they could take away and apply to their own family business.
    Family Business Place
  • Nick English took us on a fantastic trip through their business, describing how he and his brother turned a catastrophic event into an everlasting legacy to their father, themselves and British ingenuity. The feedback from attendees was that they found the story to be very interesting and inspirational.
    Jenrick Recruitment Group

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