Record Breaking Mountaineer

For more info on Nigel Vardy aka Mr. Frostbite, email us or speak with an agent on 01275 463222


  • "Having recently launched a new set of Company Values, we were looking for different ways of “Bringing them to Life” for our teams. Nigel certainly did this, with an inspirational account of his travels to some of the highest & remote areas of the world. By demonstrating individual Courage (one of our company values) I know that his presentation will not be forgotten"
    E.0n UK Services Conference
  • "Wilderness Lectures is a series of lectures open to the general public, whose general theme is world-wide adventure. It puts on a dozen or so talks each winter, and has been doing for 17 years. Our speakers include some of the most famous explorers and mountaineers and we were very pleased to include on our list Nigel Vardy. His talk was superbly interesting, well illustrated, humorous, and well delivered. His story is an epic adventure and went down very well indeed with our audience"
    Wilderness Lectures
  • "While Nigel Vardy was talking, you could have heard a pin drop in the room, and the intensity in which people were listening to his story was absolutely amazing" Rolls Royce"
    Making a Difference Workshop
  • While Nigel was talking you could have heard a pin drop in the room, and the intensity in which people were listening to his story was absolutely amazing.
    Rolls Royce - Making a Difference Workshop

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Johnny Nelson MBE

Johnny Nelson MBE

Former World Boxing Champion

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Ben Ainslie CBE (Sir)

The Most Successful Olympic Sailor of all Time

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Jim ‘Murph’ Murphy

Jim ‘Murph’ Murphy

Afterburner Founder

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Colin Jackson CBE

Colin Jackson CBE

Record Breaking Athlete and Presenter

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