AI and Growth Leader: Building Future-Ready Organisations

For more info on Jennifer Vessels, email us or speak with an agent on 01275 463222


  • “You gave us the inspiration AND practical tools needed to shift mindset and culture.”
    Fawaiz Stasbon, Ministry Interior Bahrain
  • “Truly best insider perspective on AI and the future – addressed all of our concerns”
    Daniel Rastransand, Nordea
  • "This was EXACTLY what we needed to inspire and equip people for future success”
    Geir Fodstad SVP Strategy, Link Mobility
  • "Jennifer really nailed it – giving us ALL the inspiration and tools needed to change. It has paid off 1000%”.
    Guro Becker, COO Mercell

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Alternative speakers

Morgaine Gaye

Morgaine Gaye

Leading Food Futurologist

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Ben Owen

Ben Owen

Hunted Head of Intelligence

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Robert Winston (Professor)

Robert Winston (Professor)

Science and Society Professor

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Stéphane Garelli

Stéphane Garelli

Leading International Authority on Competitiveness

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